Thursday, September 27, 2007

Post call jumble

Today is my last day in the OPD. Hip hip hooray! At long last I am free of its merciless grip! I can now run up and down corridors to my heart's content and finally learn new things!

On call was eerily not so busy last night, it gave me the creeps. I'm always worried that one of these days, luck would turn her back on me and rain on my casualty and labour room the weirdest and most horrendous of cases. It doesn't help that I'm on call this Sunday, which will be the last day of the long weekend. I just hope all the weird cases will get referred straight away instead of simmering away in the ward like a time bomb waiting to explode on my on call day!

Despite my terrible temper tantrums and emotional outbursts while being in the OPD, I kinda felt sad about leaving it. Some of the J/Ms are really nice and definitely made my job much more bearable. But I know I had to leave it. I was getting too bitter for my own and my patient's good.

Man, I'm sleepy. Sahur was a mug of Q Vital cereal drink. I can't eat rice during sahur, it gives me colic. I felt really guilty looking at the two tiffin carrier with the meal provided for the MO on call. Wasted. I ate only half of the rice designated for iftar and barely looked at the other container. I think it had sambal tumis udang, vege soup and fried fish.

Went to Perodua Machang to get my lights changed. Managed to complete two flowers on my latest beading project when I was called by the guy attending to my car. Apparently my plastic bumper needs replacing as the light can't be screwed on properly. I didn't really get what he was saying, because my eyes were focused on the space behind the light fixtures - it seriously looked like termite was nesting there! Seriously! Eww, okay?

Abg said to just put on the other light and he'll get my car fixed at his regular mechanic. Sayang Abg - I'm an independent girl (can I even call myself 'girl' anymore?) but sometimes having someone to do things like this can be so reassuring especially on a post call day.

Well, I'm off for a nap. Watch out for my next masak-masak entry in the next few days!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

see..I drop a comment...I feel sorry for momot...eventho I don't have cats but...I feel sorry .:(( .ermm...I am a 4th med student..I like your blog!..keep writing....:))..this is my first time reading ur blog..I found it from mirul...:P..feel free to read mine at

ohh BTW..I am studying In Ireland~