I'm still reeling from the shock.
It wasn't a bad call last night; I did, however, only got to crawl into bed at about 2 am and was woken up 2 hours later by a staff nurse who had brought down a baby who was grunting.
Babies are really fiddly to manage; I ended up staying with this lil one till about half seven, putting in a UVC and waking up my specialist from her sleep. Sorry Dr D! Then, it was regular work what with the Ortho Clinic still running unefficiently due to the disruption in the x ray service.
We finished looking at patients and I trudged off home at about quarter past one.
I realised that I was sleepier than usual but I really thought I could handle it. One minute I was contemplating overtaking the satria in front of me and the next an incoming car was honking at me and I found that the car had drifted into the other lane. In a flash I got into my lane, my heart pounding like it was going to fly off my chest.
Takut giler.
but even in that flash, I realise now how disorientated I was. I still couldn't recall what had happened to the car that had honked at me. Was I far gone into the other lane? What if I had drifted into the monsoon drain? More importantly, had I caused an accident? I remember checking my rear view mirror but couldn't really see anything to indicate so.
How could I have been so careless?
Thank goodness you are ok. Take care *hugs*
don't sleep and drive..hihihi..
dobbs - thanks for the good wishes
canoe - i know!!! they should make that into another catchphrase...
Docyana - kalau penat, restla dulu, jgn drive. u take care!
Yeah ....don't sleep and drive
:o how apt.
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