I'm currently hooked on Scrabulous, one of the applications in FB. But playing is definitely not helped by the slowmyx's fragile connection at the mo.
Yesterday code blue was announced in my hospital.
I seriously think the worst time during the on call period is the 7am-8am period. That is when you don't really expect a disaster to happen and hope you might just have some time for a leisurely breakfast and coffee just for that pick-me-up before starting work.
A truckful of army personnels collided with a lorry early yesterday morning and soon afterwards, another car rammed straight into the whole mess. The MO on call announced a code blue but ye lah, time tu la org baru nak bertolak dari rumah etc etc.
There were no serious injuries - only one was referred to HRPZII and he was fully conscious, although in much pain. Most of them suffered minor wounds and only two suffered fractures. The civilian had a fractured wrist but she didn't need admission.
There was a minor broohaha when the boss came and was slightly miffed that she was not informed of the incident. The other MOs subsequently left me alone and she was asking me what the current status is and what nots. I didn't really mind finishing up the mess, after all it was manageable - no one is in need of resuscitation, it was only a matter of time before I will get the casualty cleared. But, just let me get my work done and pester someone else about the 'current status' please. She then later made an issue about how shoddy the 'pelan tindakan bencana' is and yada yada yada....gosh I hope she doesn't know about this blog.
As much as I love my work, this is my honest opinion. The big shots up there just love gathering returns, getting certification and accreditation and what nots. But if the right attitude isn't there, not even a mountain of paperwork can make things better.
Take the 'pelan tindakan bencana' - on paper it seems perfect, kan? Org ISO/Akreditasi dtg, you show your 'pelan' with pride, siap ada folder dgn label kertas berwarna, colour coded bagai. Come the real 'bencana', everything goes down the drain. Hello...a disaster happens and someone actually forgot to inform the boss? Huh?
Of course, I can almost anticipate the knee jerk reaction to all this fiasco. There will be meetings and more meetings and paperwork, with a brand spanking new folder perhaps and don't forget the briefings! But then, come the next 'bencana', the same old mess will re-emerge. Yes, I am THAT jaded and disillusioned.
On a lighter note, yesterday of all days was the day that I forget to bring my digicam. Later that afternoon, a psychiatric case was brought in and left nice little brown coloured globs on the floor of the casualty. As much as they smell, at least they were nicely formed globs that was easy to clean. Kesian kakak radicare yg kerja petang tu. Whoever said being a doctor is glamorous must not have had days like these.....