Looks completely harmless kan? Yummy even. BTW, at D'Bayam Restaurant in KB, there's is this kiosk selling Pisgor. They're fried bananas with fillings - chocolate, strawberry, milk, cheese - agak menarik, kan?
Anyway, my internet connection went kaput on Friday. Luckily yours truly was on call on Friday. However, upon returning on Saturday morning, Abg said the connection's still poor (translate - non existant!) so I called up Tmnet, ye la takut akaun mati ke sebab tak bayar bill, kan? But the nice young chap on the other side said everything looks ok. Tension ok, takde internet.......I got chills and rigors from the withdrawal...haha.
Friday started slow. The morning after, I went to review the cases I admitted and there were only a handful. and I found myself feeling less tired than usual despite only trudging off to the on call room at nearly one and was waken by phonecalls every hour.
The gist of the call happened after half seven. I had left a few patients there awaiting blood results. When I got there, I proceeded to clerk them in. At the end of the casualty I noticed a group of a family. Apparently this girl of 28 had been eating pisang goreng earlier and said that a piece had gotten stuck in her throat. She was seriously OK when I first saw her. Her oxygen sats pun 97% and she was breathing fine.
Suddenly she started to become more agitated and restless. My MA gave me a warning look and pushed her to the resus room.
She was choking and panic was so evident in her eyes. I proceeded to sedate her and intubated her quite easily. Tak nampak pun pisang goreng....tapi after intubation I noticed that only the right side was rising. Tarik2 tube pun tak jadi. Buat xray, tgk left lung dah collapse. Tapi nasib baik her oxygen levels stayed in the 90s and remained that way all the way to KB.
We called up ICU just now to ask how she's doing. Alhamdulillah, she is now recovering, only requiring the minimum of ventilation. and the ENT team DID find a piece of pisang goreng in her left main bronchus (one of the passageway in the lungs).
Tapi of course, as always I am left wondering if I could have handled this better. If I had discussed this case earlier (when she was still breathing on her own), there is a possibility the ENT team would just laugh me off. Even if the ENT team did accept her case, there is the possibility of her choking on the way and what could she do then?
and then, in the middle of the pisang goreng bruhaha, an 82-year-old was brought in unconscious. A classical case of intercranial bleed. Initially wanted to refer her to USM but her condition deteriorated and later on passed away. Such was the grief of her son that he in turn collapsed in my casualty. Nasib baik takde apa. Phew.
At least dah lepas dah my PH on call. Now can enjoy the rest of my weekends. Yeay.
wah! saspen nak makan goreng pisang lepas ni.
uit...betullll! lepas nie nak beli goreng pisang pun mesti ingat muka dia.....
pisang goreng would never look the same again...
makan jangan gelojoh?
Uahh.. killer pisang goreng!
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