Monday, September 24, 2012

Rest In Peace Tuah

I thought moving to this new home would be a new beginning in my cats' lives. I had always hated leaving them in cages all day while I went for work. However, since moving here, I have lost Pirate, Vico, Minnie and Jiji - I still imagine them strolling through the gates one day, without a single care in the world - or at least hoped someone else is taking care of them. The alternative would have been painful.

I did start to suspect that they had died from being poisoned when a neighbour about 5 houses away asked if we are missing some cats. The picture he showed us wasn't one of ours but he mentioned a cat which turned up dead foaming at the mouth which fitted Jiji's description.

Tuah had always been a favourite. He just showed up one day at my car while I was going home and survived a major operation to correct his diaphragmatic hernia. He was the sweetest thing. Just last night, he was nuzzling against me as I read the newspaper, pawing at my hand as I turned the pages. Little did I know he would be gone today.

I hope whoever left the poison out is happy now.

Rest in peace little Tuah - you will forever be missed.

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