Sunday, January 21, 2007


There's nothing more pleasant than discovering I've got a long weekend ahead of me with no on calls!

Came back to work on a relaxing Thursday and discovered among others that in view of Maal Hijrah on Saturday, Sunday has been proclaimed a public holiday! Yippeeee!

Kelantan and Terengganu have been having their govt officers in a muddle before this. Sekejap cuti, sekejap tak cuti. In one instance, Kelantan cuti tapi Terengganu tak cuti. So I'm not sure whether this will be a permanent thing or not.

Wanted to go for a family trip with Abg's family but they weren't very enthusiastic plus SIL had her classes this weekend. So ended up doing basically NOTHING - which, isn't really bad you know.....:)

Plus, suddenly developed a case of the sniffles on Saturday. Pergi K*B M*ll pun takde mood. This morning managed to do some tidying up and vacuuming. Abg did lunch, what a sweetheart.

I'm on call Wednesday. Booo.....

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