Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Yin and Yang no more....

I knew something was awfully wrong the moment I saw Abg's name on my phone display. Abg never calls me so early in the morning unless something is wrong.

The first thing I asked was, 'Anak kucing mati?' - wanting me to be wrong. Alas, I was to be disappointed. Abg had been trying to gather Bubu, Fifi and Fizzy before he goes off to work but could not find Fifi. We usually let them out of the room in the mornings in case they needed to do their business after being cooped up in our room all night. Just as he was driving off, he saw a cat similar to Fifi's markings on the road just outside the compound. As soon as he saw Fifi's red collar, he knew something bad had happened.

Dari sebesar tapak tangan I bela Fifi. Despite being so much smaller compared to Mimot, she survived when her sibling succumbed. When we found Fizzy, we were so happy that they could get along. Fizzy became Fifi's companion. At nights they would sleep together, either in between us on the bed, on the computer chair or even in the wardrobe.

For some strange reason, Fifi just adores Abg. When Abg would be watching TV, she would climb on his shoulder and tummy.

Sekarang, dua2 beradik yang org buang dlm semak kat depan rumah dah takde. Takde dah Fifi yg suka jilat2 and menguap sambil mengeluarkan bau mulut busuknya. Tak boleh dah kitorg belai bulu Fifi yg lebat berkilat. Takde dah kawan Fizzy tidur dalam almari. Takde dah tempat untuk Bubu membuli and main kejar2.

Semua tu dah takde....


Anonymous said...

Akak, sedih jua...

Anonymous said...

Alah Doc Yana, ye ke? *hugs* I'm sorry to hear/read about your lost.

Roti Kacang Merah said...

...isk... can't imagine if one i'd lose any of my kiddies.... :'-( dah ajal Fifi... tapi, sedihnya... :'-(

Sue Tiramisu said...

Aisha, Amy, RKM - sedihhhh..... nie yg kdg2 tak mo bela kucing...

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel...last week I lost 2 cats, they were healthy and the next thing I knew, mati sekor sekor....I cried macam laki mati.