Thursday, May 29, 2008


I had one of those days when it ended with a feeling of unease. I hate it when that happens.

Recently I wanted to treat some of my staff to a meal. As the clinic progressed, I was asking whether there was anywhere particularly nice to eat. Anyhow, they then admitted that they were having a pot luck of sorts but if I insisted on buying, the gesture is always welcome.

So, I handed my staff an amount of money and told her to get item A and B. We had lunch and later that afternoon, my staff handed me the balance. I didn't even think twice about it until I got home. I did some calculations and there was no way that item A+B could amount to the money that was spent. So I asked my staff to show me the receipt.

I got the receipt this morning and was taken aback when there was item C, D and 3 x item E and furthermore, the balance that was returned to me was short! Okay, I didn't mind that so much because item C ended up being shared among us but only one of the three of item E ended up on the table and there was no sign at all of item D!

So, apakebendanya nie?! I didn't want to make a fuss - so I quietly had a talk with my staff. She said she had asked one of the other staff to get the food as the rest were busy assisting with the morning clinics. According to her, she had no idea that the other person had decided to get the extra items.

I told her that the issue here isn't the money. I don't care about the money but I DO care about having some respect for your superior (especially since the staff who had gone on the errand had barely any direct contact with me before) and I DO care about honesty. Do have some decency to ASK before making your own decision especially when it's not your money that you are spending.

I told her that I am telling her this because she directly works with me every week and I know that she would understand what I am getting to. I also added that she was not to spread this around as there might be a tendency for the rest to misunderstand my point.

Sheesh, I hate having squabbles over money....people tend to be so sensitive when it comes to issues regarding moolah.....kan??

*sigh* - So the feeling of unease remains.....


Anonymous said...

Uih.. akak.. dalam keadaan amarah ni.. ingat nak citer pasal miow lagik.. bukan ari tu akak ckp ada org dr spital baca blog akak.. bahya karang.. isk isk.. sabar kak.., org tu dtg jumpa akak ak explain??

Sue Tiramisu said...

Aisha -
nie tak tulis dlm keadaan marah pun dik...
biar aje la benda nie - it's the principles that matters, not the money...

Roti Kacang Merah said...

i SALUTE you, doc. bila i baca pun, i yang naik darah.

yes, aisha. actually docyana tulis entry ni dalam keadaan yang saaaaaaaangat tenang. i would be angrier than this!!! -- yes, not much about the money, but more about taking the superiors for granted, and betraying trust. kalau dia beritahu docyana masa dia pulangkan duit baki tu that dia ada minta orang tolong belikan itu ini bagai and then sertakan sekali resit, i'm sure masa tu docyana tak marah.... betul tak doc???

duit untuk belanja subordinates -- apa lah sangat. tapi jangan pijak kepala orang, walaupun kepala kawan baik sendiri. APATAH lagi kepala boss. betul tak doc???

Sue Tiramisu said...

A'ah....I takde la marah sgt masa I tulis this post. I dah marah dah earlier that day masa I lepas geram kat Abg, hahaha...