I wanted to blog about my holiday in KK but I've already written a really long review of it on forum Cari at the Travel thread and I know if I still went on and wrote it, it'd end up so crap so I might as well not bother.
BTW, RKM, I finally got your bro's kukis last week!! Haa, begitu lamanya coveted kukis tu nak sampai ke bumi Pulai Chondong nie...! and they are so sedap...! Tapi kalau buat simple choc chip instead of double choc chip pun sedap kot....hmm, yum yum.
There was a big bruhaha a few moons back about the issue of student vets and their piccies of holding piglets and a dog. Ingat tak? Seriously, kesian minah dlm gambar tu; I mean I'm sure she didn't mean for her personal photographs to be flaunted all over cyberspace, kan and some more for complete strangers to judge and call her names.
Well, anyhow, basically EVERYONE had an opinion on it and some of them were very mean! Hello, you are questioning her beliefs as a Muslim tapi yg kau kutuk sakan tu berperangai islamik sangat ke? Again, I am tending to hold back on my own opinions because ye la, aku nie pun bukan la pandai sgt tapi I don't see anything wrong with it. Yang salah adalah kalau dia makan daging babi tu or terpegang anjing tu dlm keadaan salah satu permukaan tu basah and itupun ada cara2 untuk mensucikan diri balik.
Besides, Islam teaches us to care and to love sesama makhluk and I don't think Allah ever intended us to be partial to dogs and pigs, kan?
Okay, before any of my readers nak letak komen about how you think I am wrong and a jahiliah, stop now and get out of my blog okay - go rant at the forums. This is my opinion and I didn't ask for yours.
I remember when I was at school, budak melayu had this 'thing' against babi sampaikan nak dgr diorg sebut perkataan babi pun tak nak. A bit like Harry Potter and his "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" Voldermort. When I called a pig a pig, I would either be greeted with shocked gasps or the 'oooh,-the-mixed-girl-has-done-something-really-naughty' look which I tended to get often back then.
But to me, it wasn't a big deal. I mean, pig is babi, the same like tiger is harimau. Itu je. So, why the phobia?
Just digressing a bit, I am reminded of this time I went to this gift store at KB Mall - the very pink dominated two-door store next to the perfume department at Pacific. So, this young thing, complete with very short scarf tied 'mulut itik' style under the chin and ponytail berjuntai at the back, very short-short t shirt with short-short sleeves and tight-tight jeans was following me around. I was looking at soft toys and was looking at random teddy bears and suddenly found myself holding one of those fluffy pink piggies. The young thing (God bless her, I do think she was only trying to be helpful) 'mencebikkan mulut' to the poor soft toy piggy and said 'Tak cantik lah yang tu kak, yang nie cantik!' and held up lil Piglet of the Pooh and the Ashdown Forest gang!
and Yes, one of my infamous Zings was just waiting to be launched but I decided to be nice for a change and left quietly.
My point is though, that sometimes we forget that people tend to have different perspectives to ours. I tend to forget that more often nowadays. Just like the girls in the pictures are 'tak-kisah' towards pigs and doggies, I think the longer I work as a doctor, the more 'tak-kisah' am I towards death. To me, it's become just another process of life.
It all depends on your perspective and how we accept other peoples' and perhaps this world would be a better place to live in if we all understood that.