Hannah enjoying her cream of mushroom soup at S*hakey's Pizza after we 'abducted' her from kindy. Her teacher was telling telling us that once she was telling them about cows and Hannah went to her and asked 'Teacher, kenapa cow ada tetek?'. Macam manaaa nak jawab tu?
View from our room at E*quatorial Melaka during our road trip to the south of Malaysia last year.
Something I wish to see in the future, with one of our own. Buat masa sekarang, takde rezeki lagi la kot.
Hannah in a contemplative mood while Mak Long, Pak Long, Mummy and Babah were having lunch at Orie*ntal Restaurant, K*ota B*haru.
One of those increasingly rare moments when we could get away as a family. Taken at Pang*kor Island.