Very bad past two days, but I will not dwell on it. Suffice to say I hate some staff nurses who are so kiasu that they would actually do something unethical like alter their reports (which aren't that useful anyway - sikit-sikit: pesakit dalam keadaan lemah tapi stabil. Ubatan diberi. Bla bla blaaaaa....) so that they will be free from blame.
BUT, it's my birthday today. Not that I'm glad I'm older yet no thinner than last year. Well, at least, not heavier, yeah? Hehe.
Abg got me a gorgeous gold locket for our anniversary cum birthday present. I actually first laid my eyes on it about a month ago while I was getting my niece Hannah her first gold locket. P*h K*ong just launched their latest range of lockets which are shaped like mini heart shaped 'cages' and in some of these 'cages' are semi precious stones. The one I particularly fell in love with had two blood red biji sagas in them. One side's yellow gold and the other's white gold so you get to wear it with either necklace. Cool, eh?
But at that time I thought it was a bit too pricey so I longingly left it in the hands of the sales assistant. I never spoke about it after that. So, when it appeared in the box that Abg gave me, imagine my surprise. Yes Abg, you exceeded my year, must do better, yes....? Heehee. I love you Abg. I love you and all your jiggly bits....:)
Happy belated bday to you!
Thank you!!! :)
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