Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Grumpy post

Excuse me, but I am postcall and I am irritable today.

Someone had named their baby ISAAC and I got to thinking if there is anything wrong with ISHAK. Tak cukup glamer kot. Kang dah besar, spoil pulak kalau member dia pakat panggil anak dia SAHAK je. Ah well, your kid, your choice I guess. Iskandar is Alexander. Yusof is Joseph. Whatever.

Anyway, a few weeks ago I was trying to get my ATM card replaced at a Bank Islam in UM when I came across a banner with this word on it: FI. Tiada FI tahunan.

Seriously, FI?

What was wrong with the word YURAN?

I am kicking myself now for not taking a picture of that banner.

Somewhat closer to home, a boarding school near home had an even weirder word: KLUSTER. KLUSTER Sekolah Cemerlang. Hello...? Kelompok not hip enough for you izzit?

Where do you people come up with words like this?

So much for memartabatkan bahasa Melayu.

Told you I was irritable.


papaYA said...

Tu ok lagi..
Ade mamat PTD ni translate prestasi jadi prestasion.. Kamus mane ntah die gune..

Orang Malaysia ni terlalu memartabatkan orang putih. Setakat name je orang putih, tapi mentality orang negara dunia ke3, baik takyah.

Zetty said...

saya tidak pasti jika DBP sudah mengiktiraf penggunaan perkataan KLASTER. tetapi, memang terma tersebut telah digunapakai di dalam urusan rasmi kerajaan kebelakangan ini.

blogghopper said...

just randomly bloghopping here heh. i don't think it's so much a symptom of us not appreciating our language as a somewhat awkward symptom of the closet anglophiliac obsession our colonial legacy has left us... sometimes, especially when they don't realise it the most and have not had exposure to foreign culture, everyone's trying to be as western as possible. i saw a girl wearing a winter scarf in KL once for no other reason that i could think of but as an imitation of western fashion accessory (i mean, it was a hot day, and i didn't feel the wind, certainly). this culture is not just incredibly amusing, it's incredibly awkward as well.