Saturday, September 04, 2010

Choices choices

Having had to live at the FIL's house since getting married, I thought it was hightime we got our own home. Actually, 'hightime' was maybe about 2 years ago but nevertheless the dream home is now well underway and already I am imagining what and where and how of it all.

At the moment we've been scurrying around looking at kitchen cabinets and what it entails. Tiles or solid surface or granite? and solid wood or MDF or pine or 3G glass? I've been to a few shops and have asked hundreds of questions and still nowhere near to making a decision. and that's just the kitchen - there is also the bathrooms and the tiles and the walls. It's enough to make you tear your hair out.

This was about a month or so ago.

and this taken last week.


Sue Tiramisu said...

I'm afraid I have accidentally deleted your comment when I was moderating comments on Justin Bieber and that I have just won the lottery.

but anyway - this is in Kok Lanas - just two doors away from the huge private chinese school there.

wky9683 said...

No worries. Haha! Sure will be busy when school reopens!