The staff nurse who accompanied the PPH case was buying her nasi pagi (nasi with 'kro-peh' - siap ada kaki ayam terjulur keluar via the opening of the package) and beckoned at me excitedly as I approached the very busy gerai.
Apparently, my patient required 10 pints of blood transfusion during the weekend as her Hb dropped to 3.5 on arrival. She had also gone into DIVC and had to be given two courses of DIVC regime. She is, last heard, stable and hopefully will be well enough to undergo an EUA (examination under anaesthesia) later today. According to my staff nurse, understandably the O&G people in HRPZII has kicked up a fuss as to why this has happened. They have asked for her delivery charts and reports. I hope it will turn out okay for the patient. At 27, a hysterectomy would be so devastating.
Had a 'date' with Abg in KB in the afternoon; lunch was nasi at the local mamak eatery. Abg's nasi putih with 2 medium sized sotong goreng and a piece of tenggiri goreng and some pak choy (pak choy in Mamak?) cost him RM9.80!!!! Seriously, RM10 nowadays have less value than it used to.
We went to KB Mall to get his glasses and browsed at Guardian.
I've always loved going through toiletries and such; while I was in UK, I would spend HOURS in Boots, going through aisle after aisle of beauty products and make-up and picture frames and CDs and what nots. They have this really cool loyalty card-reward system that for each pound you spend, you get a point (and occasionally they would have offers of, say, 5oo points if you buy the promotional syampoo or deodorant etc) and if you collect enough points, you could use these points to buy stuff! Example, if you had 500 points, this would be equivalent to 5 pounds and so on.
Now, why can't we have something like that?

Yes, I still keep my Boots card even after all these years....sentimental or what...
hahahah...sentimental sungguh still simpan card tu. Memang seronok kan browse2 those kind of shops. Macam rasa seronok jek kan.
Bukan takat Boots card, Tesco ngan ISIC card pun ada lagikkk....:)
teringat time beli tiket wayang dpt murah dgn ISIC card....
Tesco dah pun datang at our shore... awat Boots tak de ek? kalau ada, sure besssst.
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