Anywho, since last year I got hooked to this hobby. Now, I know I'm not the most creative; my most hated subject at school is 'Lukisan' and I can get by alright with specific instructions but if teacher says 'Bebas' - hmm, can't even bear to think about the stuff I came up with. As some people say, 'tangan keras' - sis Yanie is the most creative of us, she could always turn out nice handmade cards with swirly-swirly writings and caricatures. and don't even get me started on my sewing skills. It is limited to life and death situations, i.e. if it was between sewing or wishing I could die if my sarung or skirt was to fall to the floor from the torn hook or loose button.
That's why I love hanging out in internet forums - there's a myriad of stuff you can learn from there. In the Sewing, Knitting, Arts and Craft thread, you can learn about Ribbon Embroidery lah, Scrapbooking and crocheting and all sort of other stuff.
This is called the pyramid.
Lingkaran Kasih
Some flower-like design.
Something I did for someone else.
I don't recommend beadwork on a 'busy' background - tak menonjol.
These are all my handiwork. NOWHERE as gorgeous as the ones in the thread. Some nice forummer actually took step by step pictures of how to sew them on - ye lah, kejap kena pusing kot nie, then kena patah balik etc etc.
and do you know how much people are charging for a simple one layer design? Way too much, okay? Seriously, a skill is the best thing one can have. Right now I'm silently aspiring and practising to be good so that kalau rasa tension jadi doctor, can retire and be a tukang jahit manik. Hahahahaha.....
Feast your eyes on these, okay.....

Wonder how long this would take me to do...tapi cantik, kan?

Ideal for a small engagement ceremony.
wow...i must congratulate you, they're oh-so-pretty!!!
i actually took up some lesson but it was halfway!! hahaha
oh maybe it's time to sit down and re-learn, kan??
Nice beadwork -- good to see you have a hobby to take your mind off work! I used to do a lot of cross-stitch but nowadays my eyesight is not so good anymore (even with multifocals)
You might be interested in these Nyonya beaded shoes that my MIL made from my SIL's beading jewelry website.
you and dobbs have given me ideas for hobbies I should partake other than lounging infront of the telly on weekends when my husband works or falls ill. thank you for the inspiration!!!!!!!
wahhaaa!!! sempat lagi tu. Doc this is najmiah, how you!! Kat mana sekarang?? Setiu??Not clear from your rambling. Kampung my mum tu.Anyhow if you're in the east coast I have an invitation to give you. What's your e-mail?
Scrubber aka Najmiah...Hahaha, long time no read your blog ahh....tambah2 pulak sekrg dah kena kunci...
I wrote you an email. ada dpt tak? I used to be in Setiu tapi now dah balik Kelantan...
check your mail, kalau tak de email from me, you comment here again? Bley?
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